Month: April 2024

Water fun Day Recount

Do You have A Water Fun Day!? At Weymouth we do! We have four houses te uru for red. te raki for blue. te whiti for yellow. te tonga for green. The first thing we did was go to the pool once we got to the pool we sat down on a mat. Then we did an under over relay in the pool.the next activity was getting all the red and green and yellow and blue balls to each corner one corner for blue one corner for yellow one corner for red one corner for was so cold.after that it was play time.the next block are next activity we did we had to put a bucket with water and we had groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 I went to group 4 but there wasn’t enough for group 5 so i got put to group 5 so we had to sit in a circle with are group and put the bucket on are feet we had to hold it as long as we can.but then it fell down. The next activity was a WATER SLIDE! We went down the water was so fun but there was one BIG LINE… it was playtime again.the next block we did duck duck goose with a sponge it was basically  duck duck goose the person who said goose had to squirt it on your heathen that’s how you know you got tagged. After that we did octopus cause it was nearly home time.after that we sat in are houses saying are chants. The end